
Features and Benefits.

Here is a brief summary of the benefits you will see in using LayMan in conjunction with your standard MapInfo Professional user interface and applications.






Resides on any edge of your MapInfo work area. Drag the top of the LayMan window to your preferred size.  Minimise to a button pad. Adjusts to MapInfo minimise, maximise, restore window states.

Improved productivity - Instant access to layer control, table, workspace and layout data. See and navigate to any of your MapInfo windows in a single click. Change display and edit properties with instant effect on your map or layout.

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Runs alongside MapInfo and other applications.

Removes some restrictions on normal user operation - LayMan will co-exist with your other MapInfo applications and tools. Most features of the MapInfo interface are disabled when a user or MapInfo dialogue is active. LayMan allows a limited set of functions during this activity such as window focus change.

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Icons indicate tables with unsaved edits, query tables. Grayed cells indicate read-only data.

Improved productivity - More information to the user.

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All selected layers may have any attributes changed simultaneously

Improved productivity -  The same style override on 3 layers takes 7 clicks compared to 21 in MapInfo layer control.

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A rich set of layer and table information displayed in the grid. See feature counts, table paths, coordinate systems, style override settings. Run a Mapbasic script or program on a selected layer to display a key result.

Better information to the user - No need to generate specialist SQLs to display particular attributes. Show Me

Select and unselect a layer to quickly distinguish from other layers.

Better information and productivity. - No more select and info clicks just to identify a layer on your map amongst all the others.

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Show the bounds of selected layers, open tables, or tables in the catalog

Better information - Some layers are unselectable and unidentifiable in MapInfo (images). Showing bounds helps determine the scope of particular layers or determine the next tile name in a sequence.

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Group layers with common display and other attributes and manipulate as a single group

Improved productivity -  Reduce the amount of time needed in layer control performing repetitive operations.



A brand new view of your layout! See object type and all layout object properties.

Improved productivity and easier to do layouts - Locate a frame or object by clicking on the grid. Change one or more object' properties in a single click.

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Sort your layout grid by one or more columns to allow easier identification of common frames or objects

Improved ease of editing layouts - Quickly see frames or objects that are not aligned correctly.



View Entire Selected Objects

New Functionality! - Resize mapper to see one or more selected objects. Resize to see one or more layers including the cosmetic layer. Run the MapInfo Find Selection command on selected rows.

Table grid features complement MapInfo browser.

Better Interface and Improved Productivity - The table column widths adjust on first display to suit the largest data item.  Rowid and object type display as columns. Do a quick sort on one or more columns to quickly find that point in your region objects table or locate data readily.


Run problem workspaces with errors resolved automatically or with user prompting.

New functionality . The table catalog is used as a lookup for lost tables. Other errors are handled with a skip/correct/ignore approach.

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Browser Notes:
1. IE 5 not supported.
2. sp_relationships.htm generated by MS Visio and produces javascript errors in non-IE browsers.

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Last modified: Mar24, 2008